Captain America: The Winter Soldier The Official Game 1.0.1 iPA iOS

Captain America: The Winter Soldier The Official Game 1.0.1 iPA  iOS

Captain America : Winter Soldier – Official Game v1.0.1 IPA Compatible with iPhone , iPod Touch and iPad iOS 7.0 or later , respectively. This update was released last on 04.04.2014 patched and you can download the full version for free via the links provided below for free .

Captain America : Winter Soldier – Official Game :

    Be a team leader blow your SHIELD Agents
    The battle against the enemy different types
    As you use the skills skillful Super Solider , Avenger and a team
    We call for your support Avenger
    The original story co-written by Marvel Comics writer Christos Gage
    Iconic villains to fight
    The bad guys include big names such as King Cobra , Taskmaster , Puff Adder and more
    Graphics and artwork has inspired comedy
    Beautiful multiple , and join another clan and battle rival players
    Spend your earnings to enhance and improve your agent and your arms
    Learn more fighting techniques
    Open and upgrade Captain America suit
    Research skills and tools that will then prove to be very usefull.

New Captain America : Winter Soldier – Official Game for iOS 1.0.1 :

Minor bug fixes
Appel store Download Link


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